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How Do Points Work on a Driver’s License?

October 10, 2012
By The Wiseman Law Firm

Whenever you are guilty of a moving violation, you will receive a penalty as points on your driver’s license. In some cases, you can avoid accumulating points by taking and completing a traffic school course or receiving a withhold of adjudication.

The following is a list of some of the more common moving violations and the points that are assigned to your license if you plead guilty or are found guilty of the violation:

  • Reckless Driving: 6 points
  • Speeding 15 mph over the limit or less: 3 points
  • Speeding 16 mph or more over the limit: 4 points
  • Speeding resulting in an accident: 6 points
  • Other moving violation resulting in accident: 4 points
  • Passing a stopped school bus: 4 points
  • Open alcohol beverage container: 3 points
  • Child seat or restraint violation: 3 points

Florida counts the points on your license for 36-months. Your license will be suspended based on the following accumulation and time periods:

  • 12 points in a 12-month period: 30-day suspension
  • 18 points in 18 months: 3-months suspension
  • 24 points in 36 months: 12-month suspension

For drivers whose license has been suspended, they can apply for a work or business only license during the suspension period so long as you complete a 12-hour advanced driver improvement course and appear before a hearing officer from the Department of Motor Vehicles who must approve your application.

There are defenses to any moving violation but you should consult with an attorney experienced in traffic and criminal matters especially if you face a license suspension.

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