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Orlando, Florida DUI Lawyer

What This Page Covers:

  • DUI Varieties: Representation for DUI charges extends beyond alcohol to include recreational substances and prescription drug related offenses. You can be charged with a DUI when operating any vehicle under the influence, including a motorcycle, boat, commercial vehicle operation, or similar. Each offense requires specialized legal strategies.
  • Penalties: DUI penalties in Florida vary widely, ranging from community service and fines to jail time and revoked licenses. Some first time offenders may qualify for a pre-trial diversion program and dropped charges.
  • Defense Tactics: Strategies like challenging the legality of stops, questioning sobriety tests, examining breathalyzer accuracy, asserting medical conditions, and scrutinizing law enforcement communication all play crucial roles in defense.
  • Legal Support: The Wiseman Law Firm in Orlando provides strategic defense planning, meticulous case assessment, aggressive negotiations, and trial experience to protect rights and pursue the best possible outcomes in DUI cases.

Facing a DUI charge in Orlando, Florida, can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. At The Wiseman Law Firm, we bring over two decades of experience to defend clients against DUI allegations. With a deep understanding of Florida’s DUI laws and a commitment to protecting your rights, we offer personalized legal strategies designed to minimize the impact of these serious charges on your life. 

An attorney from The Wiseman Law Firm can reduce potential penalties and protect your future. Whether it’s your first offense or you’re dealing with more severe circumstances, our goal is to ensure the best possible outcome for your case. We look forward to hearing about your claim and making the legal process easier to manage. Please reach out to us to schedule a consultation at your earliest convenience. 

Types of DUI Cases Our Criminal Defense Firm Handles in Orlando, Florida

Most people think of DUI charges as only being associated with driving under the influence of alcohol. While this is the most common type of DUI arrest, DUI, or driving under the influence, covers many other situations that can affect the penalties you may face.

At The Wiseman Law Firm, we represent people in various types of DUI cases. We are adept at handling various DUI-related issues, including but not limited to:

Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana

With shifting legal landscapes surrounding marijuana use in Florida and across the nation, DUI cases involving cannabis demand nuanced understanding. We navigate the complexities of these types of cases, crafting a robust defense tailored to the specifics of your marijuana-related DUI charges.

Driving a Commercial Vehicle While Intoxicated

DUI cases involving commercial drivers come with distinct challenges. Our firm has a deep understanding of the regulations and consequences associated with driving under the influence while operating commercial vehicles.

Boating Under the Influence (BUI)

Boating DUI cases, also known as BUI, can come with harsh penalties in Florida. Whether on land or water, we are well-versed in the unique aspects of defending individuals facing charges for operating a boat while under the influence.

Underage DUI

DUI cases involving individuals under 21 in Florida require a tailored approach. Our firm addresses the specific legal considerations for underage DUI charges, working to mitigate consequences and protect the future of young clients.

DUI Involving Prescription Drugs

DUI cases stemming from prescription drug use necessitate a solid defense strategy. We are skilled in navigating the intricacies of prescription drug-related DUI charges, confirming a thorough examination of the facts surrounding your case.

DUI Causing Serious Bodily Injury

Not all DUIs result in severe physical harm. However, we know there is a serious risk of injury in all vehicular crashes and incidents. We can support you throughout your case if you have been charged with a DUI causing serious bodily injury, including death, permanent disfigurement, and loss or impairment of function of a limb or organ.

First DUI Offense

We at The Wiseman Law Firm have over 20 years of experience handling criminal defense cases. If this is your first time receiving a DUI charge, we have the qualifications and support necessary to put your mind at ease. Please reach out to us to get excellent help with your legal matters.

Multiple DUI

Cases involving repeat offenders, especially individuals who receive several convictions in a year, can be complex. However, we have the defenses, strategies, and tools to help you through a challenging case.

Felony DUI

If someone has been convicted previously — either three or more times in the last ten years, or four or more times regardless of the timeline — or if they cause serious bodily injury due to the effects of substances while driving a vehicle, they are likely to be charged with a felony DUI. If you need assistance with a potential felony DUI conviction, The Wiseman Law Firm can help.

At The Wiseman Law Firm, our commitment extends beyond providing legal representation – we strive to understand the unique circumstances of each case. With a focus on client advocacy and strategic defense, our firm stands ready to navigate the intricacies of DUI charges in Orlando, utilizing an effective and tailored approach for every client.

What Are the Penalties if You’re Convicted With a DUI?

The penalties someone will face after a conviction can vary significantly, as the charges can range in severity. First offenders will have lighter penalties than those who offend repeatedly, and those with misdemeanor charges will face fewer consequences than those facing a felony.

While the severity of penalties can vary following a DUI conviction, consequences may include any of the following depending on your circumstances:

  • Fines
  • Probation
  • Community service
  • License suspension
  • Ignition interlock device
  • DUI school or other reeducation course

Penalties may also change depending on whether minors are present, how many years have passed between convictions, and the traceable amount of a substance in a person’s blood sample.

If you are a first-time offender and have no other criminal history, talk to us to find out whether you might qualify for a pre-trial diversion program. This program, which can last up to 9 months, may result in the eventual dropping of your DUI charges once you complete the terms of the program.

We encourage you to work with an attorney because potential consequences vary so much from case to case. A lawyer from The Wiseman Law Firm can provide extensive legal support, significantly reducing your potential penalties. Exercise and protect your rights by retaining a talented and experienced attorney today.

Florida DUI Defense Strategies

In Florida, a DUI charge does not necessarily equate to a conviction. At The Wiseman Law Firm, we employ strategic approaches to protect your rights. Potential defense strategies our legal team may utilize for your case include:

  • Arbitrary or improper police stop: Challenging the legality of the initial traffic stop is a critical strategy. If the police lacked reasonable suspicion or probable cause, the entire DUI case may be compromised.
  • Questioning field sobriety tests: Field sobriety tests, such as the walk-and-turn or one-leg stand, are subjective and can be influenced by various factors. Challenging the reliability of these tests, whether due to environmental conditions or physical limitations, can be a crucial aspect of the defense.
  • Improper maintenance and testing of blood samples: When blood samples are mishandled, improperly stored, or tested without adherence to proper protocols, we meticulously examine the chain of custody to challenge the reliability of the blood alcohol content (BAC) evidence.
  • Miranda violations: If law enforcement fails to properly inform you of your Miranda rights, any statements made during custodial interrogation may be inadmissible. This violation can be a pivotal element in your defense strategy.
  • Examining breathalyzer accuracy: The accuracy of Breathalyzer tests can be influenced by various factors, including calibration issues and the presence of mouth alcohol. An effective defense may involve challenging the reliability of Breathalyzer results through technical and procedural scrutiny.
  • Asserting medical conditions: Certain medical conditions or physical impairments can mimic the effects of alcohol impairment. Demonstrating that a medical condition, such as acid reflux or neurological issues, contributed to the appearance of intoxication can be a valid defense.
  • Inappropriate communication from law enforcement: Any inappropriate or coercive communication from law enforcement can be grounds for challenging the admissibility of evidence. We scrutinize interactions to ensure they align with legal standards.
  • Rules of evidence and procedure violations: Adherence to the rules of evidence and procedure is crucial. Our legal team examines every aspect of the case to identify potential violations that may render evidence inadmissible or warrant case dismissal.
  • Illegal search and seizure: Challenging the legality of the search and seizure process is a fundamental defense strategy. If law enforcement violated your Fourth Amendment rights during the arrest, evidence obtained may be deemed inadmissible.

Our commitment is to provide a robust defense tailored to the unique circumstances of your case. We leverage our knowledge to challenge every aspect of the prosecution’s case, making sure your rights are protected throughout the legal process.

Florida DUI Case Timeline

Knowing your DUI case’s rough timeline and step order may be helpful. You can expect the following order of events during your legal matters:

  • Request a DMV hearing within ten days of your arrest
  • Determine whether it was lawful for law enforcement to pull you over at the time of arrest
  • Identify a probable cause related to the charge
  • Further analyze and determine if law enforcement conducted an illegal search and seizure
  • Work with an attorney to identify potential issues with sobriety tests, including breathalyzers
  • Question and assess the validity of evidence that other parties have provided
  • Speak with any relevant law enforcement personnel, including investigators and the State Attorney’s office
  • Continue to prepare for your trial with your attorney, listening to their recommendations and next steps

By going through all these steps with your attorney, you are much more likely to create a solid and effective set of defenses in your favor. We encourage you to contact an attorney at The Wiseman Law Firm to retain our support and gain additional helpful information. We can support you in numerous ways throughout your case, streamlining all processes and reducing time spent in litigation.

How Can a Criminal Defense Lawyer Help Me After a DUI Arrest in Orlando?

A criminal defense lawyer plays a crucial role in protecting your rights and securing the best possible outcome after a DUI arrest in Orlando. We pride ourselves in providing our clients with the following helpful services:

  • Case assessment
  • Evidence collection
  • Negotiation with prosecutors
  • Representation in court
  • Plan and strategize defenses
  • Rights protection
  • Personalized attention for each client
  • Complete and file paperwork
  • Consult with experts
  • Communicate with other parties and legal representatives

By guiding you through each step of the legal process, a criminal defense lawyer ensures your rights are protected and works tirelessly to achieve the most favorable outcome for your case. 

When you work with an attorney from The Wiseman Law Firm, you can protect your future and reduce the severity of potential penalties you might be required to face. Please contact us to obtain outstanding representation during your time of need.

Need Outstanding DUI Defense Representation? Retain an Attorney With Over 20 Years of Experience From The Wiseman Law Firm

If you’ve been arrested for a DUI in Orlando, it’s crucial to have a dedicated and experienced advocate on your side. At The Wiseman Law Firm, we offer over two decades of experience in criminal defense, including a deep understanding of Florida’s DUI laws. Attorney Simon Wiseman is dedicated to the success of each case, maintaining a thorough and personalized approach to ensure that every client receives the best possible defense strategy.

We are committed to minimizing the impact a DUI charge can have on your life. Whether by challenging the legality of the traffic stop, scrutinizing the evidence, or exploring every available defense, our goal is to protect your rights and future. Contact us today at (407) 420-4647 or use our contact form to schedule a consultation.

FAQs about DUI in Orlando

What should I do if I am pulled over for a DUI in Orlando?

If you are pulled over for a DUI, remain calm and cooperative. Provide the requested documents but avoid answering incriminating questions or performing field sobriety tests without consulting a lawyer. Politely request to speak with an attorney before making any statements.

How much does a DUI lawyer cost in Orlando?

The cost of a DUI lawyer varies based on the complexity of your case and the attorney’s experience. Initial consultations are often free, allowing you to discuss your case and understand potential fees. Investing in a skilled DUI lawyer can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

Can I refuse a breathalyzer test in Florida?

Yes, but refusing a breathalyzer test can result in immediate penalties, such as a one-year license suspension for the first refusal and an 18-month suspension for subsequent refusals. Refusal can also be used against you in court, so it’s important to weigh your options carefully.

What are the penalties for a first-time DUI in Florida?

Penalties for a first-time DUI in Florida can include fines ranging from $500 to $1,000, up to one year of probation, 50 hours of community service, mandatory DUI school, and a license suspension of at least 180 days. Enhanced penalties apply if your BAC is 0.15% or higher or if a minor was in the vehicle.

Can a DUI be expunged from my record in Florida?

In Florida, DUI convictions generally cannot be expunged or sealed. However, if your charges are dismissed or you are acquitted, you may be eligible to have the arrest record expunged. Consulting with a DUI attorney can help you understand your options.

These FAQs provide a starting point for understanding DUI laws and penalties in Orlando. For personalized advice and representation, contact The Wiseman Law Firm.

Give our Orlando DUI defense lawyer a call today at 407-420-4647 for a FREE consultation.

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A former prosecutor, Attorney Wiseman brings over two decades' experience to each case, successfully advocating for his clients' rights.

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